Course curriculum

    1. Welcome!

    2. About Quizzes and Exam

    1. A1 - Introduction to Quantitative Encephalography

    2. A2 - Visualizing the Electroencephalogram

    3. A3 - QEEG Board Certification Blueprint of Knowledge

    4. A4 - History of Electrophysiology

    5. Chapter A Quiz

    1. B1 - An Overview of IQEEGCB Essential Skills List

    2. Chapter B1 Quiz

    3. B2 - 19 Ch EEG Recording Demonstration - John Anderson

    4. B3 - 19-lead EEG cap placement and recording

    5. B4 - Nexus-32 Practicum 19 lead EEG capping and recording

    6. Chapter B2, B3, B4 Quiz

    7. B5 - NeuroGuide Demo Class Exercise - John Anderson

    8. B6A- Editing the Raw EEG with Win EEG

    9. B6B- Editing the Raw EEG with Win EEG Part II

    10. B7 - Unpacking the NeXus

    11. B8 - Scalp Prep

    12. Chapter B8 Quiz

    13. B9 - NewQ Practicum Live Video Demo NTS

    14. B10 - Analysis of the NewQ - John Anderson

    15. B11 - Basic Hygiene Procedures in EEG Acquisition and Neurofeedback Training

    16. B12 - EEG COVID-19 Hygiene Procedures Ethan Ireland

    17. Chapter B11 and B12 Quiz

    1. C1 -Artifacting the Raw EEG Part I - Identifying Artifacts and Their Sources

    2. C2 - Artifacting the Raw EEG Part II - Illustration Review and Test Practice Examples

    3. Chapter C1 and C2 Quiz

    1. D1 - EEG Montages Part I - Electroencephalographic Localization in the Brain

    2. Chapter D1 Quiz

    3. D2 - EEG Montages Part II - Technical Conseridations

    4. D3 - EEG Montages Part III - Use of Montages for EEG Localization

    5. Chapter D2 and D3 quiz

    6. D4 - Spectral and Topographic Analysis - John Anderson

    7. Chapter D4 Quiz

    1. E1 - Scientific Standards for EEG Normative Database Development - Intro - Part I

    2. E2 - Scientific Standards For QEEG Normative Databases Part II Important factors in database creation

    3. Chapter E1 and E2 Quiz

    4. E3: Under Construction

    5. E4 -19 Channel EEG Processing

    6. E5 - Introduction to Z-Score Neurofeedback - John Anderson

    7. Chapter E5 Quiz

    8. E6 - S-LORETA Z-Score Training John Anderson

    9. E7 - Functional Neuroanatomy 2 - Use of NeuroGuide Database to Assess TBI

    10. Chapter E7 Quiz

About this course

  • $1,295.00
  • 96 lessons
  • 43 hours of video content

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